Located near Ft. Myers, FL, Babcock Ranch is a visionary community years in the making earning the distinction as America’s first solar-powered town. Combining extensive residential and commercial offerings with advanced technology and pristine resources to help residents live happier, healthier lives, Kitson & Partners achieved national recognition developing and launching the Babcock Ranch brand, marketing their vision pre-development. Prior to its official opening in 2018, Walker was retained to bring the vision to life by refining the positioning, communicating the community’s active and open status, and improving the visitor experience. Walker’s partnership with the Babcock Ranch team continues to drive new homes sales and the community is well-positioned for greater success in the years ahead during its 20+ year build out.
- 18,000 acre master planned community
- 9,000 acres greenways, parks and lakes
- 19,500 planned residential units
- 50,000 expected residents
- 11 builders (currently)
- 6 million sf planned retail/office
- Town center
- 73,000 acre adjacent Babcock Preserve
- Trail network extending 50 miles when complete
- K-12 school system

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Top-Selling Master-Planned Communities
Walker conducted extensive research and analysis to uncover insights into current buyer perceptions and experiences. These insights led to the development of a refined positioning for Babcock Ranch which introduced the tagline “Live a Better Life.”
We then developed a campaign featuring residents to announce its availability and elevated the visitor experience by redesigning the Discovery Center, training Town Ambassadors, updating the community brochure, and improving signage and wayfinding throughout the community. A multi-channel marketing campaign was also designed and implemented to communicate an updated Babcock Ranch visual identity and narrative, and to increase buyer engagement across critical touchpoints.
- Consumer research
- Evolved brand positioning
- Brand and Marketing plan
- Community guide
- Discovery Center evolution
- Town Ambassador training
- New wayfinding, signage & banner program
- E-Newsletter program
- Advertising campaign
- Podcast strategy
- Website evolution
The Walker/Kitson partnership continues to surpass sales and traffic milestones. Walker’s brand and marketing efforts have helped contribute to more than 1,000 home sales in 2020 alone, with Babcock Ranch reaching 2,000 sales in April 2022. Babcock Ranch surpassed over 2,600 homes sold in December 2022 and is the 5th fastest-selling community in the nation.